Music Educator Lifecycle
Each stage of the music educator “lifecycle”—aspiration, preparation, and emulation—influences who decides to becoming a music educator. These sources highlight issues of equity and access in music teacher education and shed light on how to increase diversity among music educators.
"Access and Retention of Marginalized Populations within Undergraduate Music Education Degree programs"
written by Kate R. Fitzpatrick, Jacqueline C. Henninger, and Don M. Taylor
Examines the “experiences of six undergraduate students from traditionally marginalized populations with regard to their preparation for, admission to, and retention within a music education degree program.
Fitzpatrick, Kate R., Jacqueline C. Henninger, and Don M. Taylor. "Access and Retention of Marginalized Populations Within Undergraduate Music Education Degree Programs." Journal of Research in Music Education 62, no. 2 (2014): 105-127.
“Is there a Color Line in Music Education?”
Edited By Lisa C. DeLorenzo
Examines how “current practices in music education can marginalize students of color” and suggests ways for the field to work against a “raced environment,” including improving identification/recruitment of underrepresented music teachers, adjusting audition processes, and utilizing anti-racism as a critical pedagogy.
DeLorenzo, Lisa C. “Is There A Color Line in Music Education?” In Giving Voice to Democracy in Music Education: Diversity and Social Justice in the Classroom, edited by Lisa C. DeLorenzo, 176-194. New York: Routledge, 2015.
“From the Margins: The Underrepresentation of Black and Latino Students/Teachers in Music Education”
Lisa C. DeLorenzo and Marissa Silverman
This study seeks to answer the question: “Why are so few students of color preparing to teach music in the public schools?” Through interviews with Black and Latino music students and teachers who graduated from urban high schools, the authors shed light on the complex web of factors that discourage high school students from considering a career in music teaching.
DeLorenzo, Lisa C., and Marissa Silverman. "From the Margins: The Underrepresentation of Black and Latino Students/Teachers in Music Education." Visions of Research in Music Education 27 (2016).
“Music Teacher Licensure Candidates in the United States: A Demographic Profile and Analysis of Licensure Examination Scores”
Written by Kenneth Elpus
An investigation into the demographic characteristics of pre-service music educators. Elpus effectively demonstrates that pre-service teachers of color are underrepresented in music education, as well as a correlation between race and gender in Praxis II music exam scores. The author discusses the implication of these results to music teacher education and to diversifying the music educator workforce.
Elpus, Kenneth. “Music Teacher Licensure Candidates in the United States: A Demographic Profile and Analysis of Licensure Examination Scores.” Journal of Research in Music Education 63, no. 3 (2015): 314–335.