Newark, New Jersey
Population: 281,764
A city-wide alliance of public and private stakeholders have committed to developing a collaborative ecosystem “to ensure that all children in grades PK through 12 in the city of Newark have equitable access to high quality, sequential arts education opportunities, both in and out of school.” A variety of funders have focused specifically on developing music education opportunities in school.
“I am deeply humbled by the opportunity to be a part of the amazing work that VH1 Save The Music does. This is bigger than just teaching kids how to play instruments — it’s about using music to bring communities together and giving all children a shot at a brighter future. This work can’t stop until every child can access music programs as part of their education.”
Partner: Newark Arts Education Roundtable
"The Newark Arts Education Roundtable is a strategic alliance of arts education stakeholders, including public, charter, and private schools; arts and cultural organizations; youth and community development entities; businesses; funders; and state and local government agencies.”
– From the “Arts Education in Newark: A Strategic Plan”
The Newark Arts Education Roundtable was borne out of this collective planning process, with the goal of developing a Newark where all children receive high-quality, sequential instruction in all arts forms through both discipline-specific and integrated opportunities, provided by certified school-based practitioners as well as arts organization partners, both in and out of school. The group also collectively envisioned a city where the arts and creativity are valued for their essential roles in our lives and in developing our community and our economy.
Partner: Newark Public Schools
All children in the Newark Public Schools will have an equal access to a sequential arts program that is aligned to the NJCCCS (New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards).
"The sound of music will be heard at these seven schools thanks to VH1 Save The Music and the generous donations from funders and support of our partners,” said Superintendent of Schools Christopher D. Cerf. “This is an extraordinary opportunity for our students. Research has found that learning music facilitates learning subjects and enhances skills that children use in other areas; a child uses multiple skill sets while learning music which is why this partnership with VH1 Save The Music is important to our mission to link everything students do to learning."
Partner: VH1 Save The Music Foundation
In collaboration with Newark Public Schools, VH1 Save The Music embarked on a “five-year project to invest in music programs in approximately thirty-eight schools with demonstrated need. Each will each receive a package estimated at $60,000 – including approximately $45,000 worth of new musical instruments and other equipment, and $15,000 for professional development, advocacy support, research, measurement and program evaluation."